Carbon Innovation

Carbon Offsetting


Activities that benefit a company without supplying tangible products

Carbon Offsetting

Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change which was adopted by 196 Parties (countries) at COP 21 (Credit: UNFCCC). During the Paris Agreement (2015), the need for net zero was emphasized by all parties.

Project Registration

Identification of suitable mechanisms for project development aligned to the Article 6 of Paris Agreement, VCS, GS, GCC, UCR etc. 1. Preparation of required documents 2. Validation assistance 3. Support for project registration

Monitoring & Verfication

1. Monitoring and verification assistance 2. Validation by a third party and issuance of emission reduction units. Our main functions include validation, applying for registration, support for verification and certification

Carbon Offsetting

  • Carbon Footprint Analysis
  • Project and carbon value identification
  • Assessing feasibility and eligibility of offset projects
  • Analyzing risks and optimizing project designs

Environment & Sustainability

  • ESG Due Diligence
  • ESG Gap Analysis
  • ESG Certification
  • ESG Project Management
  • ESG Reporting and Governance
  • ESG Assurance
  • ESG Training

Monitoring & Verfication

  • Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting
  • Management discussion and analysis

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